Please Note: Lunch menu ends and Breakfast menu begins Please clean your broiler and have it ready for use by 6AM.
Daily Close 5am
5:00AM: Daily Close Process In your MGRNG menu, navigate to (1) Sales -> (2) Tasks -> (3) Daily Close: Unless otherwise instructed, do not change the Labor End Date or Time. Verify that your nightly duties have been completed, such as counting inventory, or...
Early Morning Tasks
4:30 AM: Closing an Inserts In your MGRNG menu, navigate to (1) Sales -> (2) Tasks -> (3) Insert Close: Choose a Logged Off or Deactivated insert and declare the cash and receipts for that insert in the “Counted” column: The “Counted” column should match the...
Daily Close 6am
6:00AM: Daily Close Process In your MGRNG menu, navigate to (1) Sales -> (2) Tasks -> (3) Daily Close: Unless otherwise instructed, do not change the Labor End Date or Time. Verify that your nightly duties have been completed, such as counting inventory, or...
End of Day Check
5:15AM: End of Day Check Check Your Real Time Monitor and if EOD has not completed contact Sicom immediately to have EOD ran. (EOD = End of Day) Sicom Contact: 800-547-4266
Nightly Inventory Tasks and Late Night Temperature Checks
12:00AM and 4:00AM - Late Night Temperature Checks Please Complete Late Night Temperature Checks and Cook-Outs In BK Link
Evening Temperature Check
8:00PM: Evening Temperature Check Please Complete Evening Temperature Checks and Cook-Outs In BK Link
Afternoon Temperature Checks
4:00PM: Afternoon Temperature Checks Please Complete Afternoon/Evening Time and Mid Morning Temperature Checks and Cook-Outs In BK Link
Afternoon Minute Business Check
2:30PM: Afternoon Minute Business Check: These Tasks Should Be Checked By RGM/AM Daily and Action Taken Sales and Labor Check: Are We Trending + / - Plan For Labor Success –Is Everyone Clocked In/ Out On Time and Correctly Cash: Count Drawers and Reconcile Cash...
Mid Morning Temperature Checks
10:30AM: Mid Morning Temperature Checks Please Complete Lunch Time and Mid Morning Temperature Checks and Cook-Outs In BK Link